Welcome to The Write Instinct

Words touch our lives from the moment we're born. Voice, tone and intent impact us even before we're old enough to understand what the words mean. What we say, and how we say it, has the power to inspire and influence others – to make them feel, act and react. I have dedicated the majority of my career, my entire life really, to refining that skill. I believe it's as much an art as taking paintbrush to canvas, but it's the readers who paint their own mental images. It's personal. And when words make that personal connection, the results can be powerful.
All writing is creative, whether it's a newspaper article, an ad, web content, a poem or a novel. Every piece should have that spark that ignites interest
and achieves a desired result. |
Leading a team isn't about delegating.
It's about rolling up your sleeves, collaborating and bringing out the best, in the people and the work. |
Inspire.A blog should be fun, inspirational, informative and interesting.
Hopefully this blog is a little bit of everything. |